Leadership vs Management

How do you define the difference between leadership and management? What do you believe are some of the functions of leadership? What are some examples of effective (or ineffective) leadership from your personal or professional experiences?

I define management as the nuts and bolts of a job. It is taking everything upon yourself to manage, lead, and often do much of the work. It is time consuming, and does not rely much on a team approach. Leadership, however, is more philosophical in nature, and focuses on building capacity within your team to be able fulfill the mission of the organization. I don't think both are mutually exclusive. In my experience, effective leaders also manage effectively, but effective managers don't always lead effectively. 

I believe some of the functions of leadership is to be the representation of the core values of the organization you lead. Leadership is what defines the culture of an organization and its ability to progress. When I have been a part of or been exposed to an organization whose culture is rooted in negativity and close-mindedness, I am reminded of the saying "the fish rots from the head." I truly believe leadership is the independent variable and the organization being lead is the dependent variable. It is truly up to leadership to see how the organization functions, and it it will be one that is successful.

Effective leaders build capacity within their team to be able to do the job at hand. They build relationships with the clients they serve, and model effective listening and communication. In my person experience, an effective leader delegates roles and responsibilities that you have the ability and authority to complete. If you make a mistake it is looked at as a learning opportunity, and you are not punished. Ineffective leaders, in my experience, do not take time to build capacity, but either do it themselves or pawn off job responsibilities. I have experienced leaders who want to just quiet the squeaky wheel, and don't take time to get to the root of the problem or find a long term solution. 

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